In recognition of Earth Day, the Town of Montezuma is teaming up with the New York's Clean Sweep program and the Let's G.O.!(Get Outside). The 7th Annual Clean Sweep program is sponsored by Parks and Trails, New York, the NYS Canal Corporation and Environmental Facilities Corporation to encourage community groups and municipalities to participate doing some “spring cleaning” along the Canal System and the Canalway Trail. The 2nd Annual Let's G.O.! is sponsored by the Children and Nature Network with a huge and inspiring push to get all people outside, and to encourage service projects to benefit the natural world as a part of the process.
On Saturday, April 21, 2012, from 9 AM-4 PM volunteers are invited to join in helping in several projects planned for the day. This is not just a call to action, it is a call for fun! Think of it as a party invitation in the Montezuma Heritage Park where all the green natural resources would look so much better cleaned up. A new trail is now being cleared that will give us access to a new location on the original Erie Canal known as Clinton's Ditch, and the Cayuga and Seneca Canal Lock 11. Learn how this site was one of the most important sites on the Erie Canal that opened navigation up to the Finger Lakes and beyond.
We will meet at the Chapman Road trailhead entrance of the park just south of the Highway Town Barn at 9 AM. What will the Montezuma Historical Society be doing to help with this Spring Cleaning event? Why, hosting a Trailgating Trash Can Turkey Lunch, of course, with all fixin's. What could be more fun? Dress weather appropriately and bring work gloves.
On Sunday, April 29th from 1-3 PM the Girl Scouts will host another Cleaning Party in the park. Julie Smith, Girl Scout leader, has invited other youth groups of the area to join in the clean up as part of their GO GREEN program. Cornell Cooperative Extension of Cayuga County is helping with this event, and the Cayuga County National Bike Safety program will be offering bicycle safety tips for youth, providing water bottles and helmets.
Our children of today are suffering (and yes, us adults, too) from Nature Deficient-Disorder. Kids ages 8 to 18 spend an average of 7.5 hours a day, 7 days a week, plugged into computers, TV, video games, music, cells phones, etc. according to a Kaiser Family Foundation Study. By caring for the park we will promote a strong connection with the outdoors our youth is missing today. Being able to offer programs like these will lead to a healthier, safer community, greater support and protection of our natural landscapes, and enhancing our community's heritage for this generation and those yet to come.